If it’s Monday, it must be time for an update!
Tag: SDL
Development Progress Report, week 64
Feedback is awesome! Seriously.
Managing to get a couple of people to give the game a try was incredibly energising and very informative!
Development Progress Report, week 62
Fun with the story-compiler, the scripting interface, and fonts this week. Also discovered a biggish screw-up.
Development Progress Report, week 59
Last week, there were a bunch of things that weren’t quite right. Attempts to improve font-handling were bungled, music wasn’t restoring properly when the game was reloaded (which I thought I fixed, but I wasn’t entirely correct), and image-transitions were kind of fouling up my cool game-loading effect.
This week, that’s all sorted.
Development Progress Report, weeks 56-58
Three weeks. It’s been a while since the last update.
Most of the last three weeks have involved tidying and documenting code. Documentation is important, but often not for the reasons people think it is important.
Anniversary Development Progress Report, week 52
Week 52. How did we even get here?
I’ve not worked on Argus and SNAFUĀ every week since I started the project, so it has technically been a bit longer, but there have been 52 weeks now that I’ve put in at least one hour’s work in a given week.
Continue reading Anniversary Development Progress Report, week 52
Development Progress Report, week 42+43
Skipped a week because I didn’t have time in the window to do the devblog. Let’s see how we’re going.
Development Progress Report, week 41
There’s been a big dipĀ in the development schedule. Family urgencies and other commitments sapped a lot of my time and energy, but I’m back to developing again.
Time to look at progress for the previous week, and maybe a few other treats, besides.
Development Progress Report, week 32
A bit of a mixed week. A number of things (eg: double-casting, see below) have allowed me to cut the word-count without reducing the length of the narrative. So, I’ve shaved off a few thousand words here and there. Ongoing reworking and editing have pushed it back up, so it’s still hovering around the quarter-million word mark.
One final scene is refusing to write itself, but I expect it will work out once the narrative refit is done, and then I can move forward into chapter two.
There’s more interesting stuff than that going on, though.
Development Progress Report, week 25
Lots and lots of progress made this week, despite a weekend’s worth of development time lost to Stardew Valley. Oops! I suspect some of you are in the same boat.
Nevertheless, let’s get on to the good bits.