Well, it has been a while. Some of the prescribed medication seems to have been interfering with my ability To Get Stuff Done(tm). That said, either I’m getting used to that, or this is a bit of an anomalous bump. Let’s hope for the former.
Development Progress Report, week 65
If it’s Monday, it must be time for an update!
Development Progress Report, week 62
Fun with the story-compiler, the scripting interface, and fonts this week. Also discovered a biggish screw-up.
Development Progress Report, week 60
Well, I’ve built a lot on top of last week’s successes. Splitting the save-files into multiple sub-files was a good move. Following the logical thread of that, the compiled story-file is now a set of sub-files as well; and I was able to do something pretty awesome with that.
Development Progress Report, week 59
Last week, there were a bunch of things that weren’t quite right. Attempts to improve font-handling were bungled, music wasn’t restoring properly when the game was reloaded (which I thought I fixed, but I wasn’t entirely correct), and image-transitions were kind of fouling up my cool game-loading effect.
This week, that’s all sorted.
Development Progress Report, week 55
Nothing especially exciting to report this week, but there is a picture!
The narrative has topped 255K words (as you see in the image above), so that’s progressing slowly. I’ve also been working a little on trying to get the story-compiler to output some useful additional information.
Development Progress Report, week 54
This update is a couple days late, because some appointments and things got in the way.
I’ll be brief. I promise.
Development Progress Report, week 53
Not a lot of progress to report, on account of Melbourne International Games Week, which was both exhausting and amazing.
Games Connect Asia Pacific was rough going, featuring a lot of stuff that I was just plain out-of-practice with, but the sessions were great, I met a few people, and was able to talk more about my game and about theirs. Pretty awesome!
Development Progress Report, weeks 50+51
The last two weeks have been about refactoring narrative. If you’ve been keeping up with these development blogs, you’ll already be aware that I’ve done a lot to introduce newer, clearer, improved syntax to the story definition to make authoring a lot easier.
What isn’t so easy is going back and actually converting over 25,000 lines of narrative from the old syntax to the new syntax.
Development Progress Report, week 49
This week is all about refitting the narrative. I have the worst compiler in Compiler Town.