A three-week jump this time, due to a lack of time on devblog day. There are some developments that I’m excited about.
Tag: Optimisation
Development Progress Report, week 42+43
Skipped a week because I didn’t have time in the window to do the devblog. Let’s see how we’re going.
Development Progress Report, week 41
There’s been a big dip in the development schedule. Family urgencies and other commitments sapped a lot of my time and energy, but I’m back to developing again.
Time to look at progress for the previous week, and maybe a few other treats, besides.
Development Progress Report, week 33
Finally! That lingering scene that I couldn’t seem to get any traction on is done, and I’ve hit a big narrative milestone!
Development Progress Report, week 30
It’s starting to look “like a bought one”, as they say.
Who says that? They do. You know, them. Heck, I just did, so me too.
There’s a lot to cover, so I’ll try to be brief. I will likely fail.
Development Progress Report, week 29
My, what a productive week it has been! Many bugs fixed, and many new bugs created (and also fixed).
If we were just working off bugs-fixed, this would have been a banner week, indeed, since I was briefly creating them as fast as I resolved them. However, there was a whole lot more going on.
Development Progress Report, week 27-28
Due to Easter and other such complications, I didn’t end up posting a development update last week. It’s been a great fortnight, though.
Let me rummage through my notes and see what we’ve got.
Development Progress Report, week 23-24
I missed last week’s development blog post due to the pressure of other things, so I’ve got two weeks to cover.
On the narrative side, I’m nearing a long-awaited story milestone. The prologues are complete for each of the eleven protagonists, and all but two of them are written through to the end of the rather dense and complicated first day of the story proper. Once those last two characters are written through, that will represent a major milestone.
That brings us to (today), 88 scenes and 232,814 words. That’s more than Dune (the book), or Neverwinter Nights (the game) [This isn’t a competition!], but we’re not really into the full swing of things yet. That will be in the second Act, which is where the bulk of the narrative technology should start to shine (I hope!).
Development Progress Report, weeks 20 and 21
There wasn’t a status report last week, because I was without electricity and an Internet connection, as a result of several days worth of getting the house rewired. Even this update is posted a day later than I’d intended.
That is past, and a lot got done during the rest of the time!
Continue reading Development Progress Report, weeks 20 and 21
That’s what you get
What do you get when you rework, redesign, extend and simplify your conditional expression evaluators? You get bugs, that’s what you get.
Thankfully, nothing was terribly difficult to figure out, once I’d actually discovered that the bug was there at all. The problem was that I didn’t notice for about a day.