First update of the new year. Spending New Year’s Eve coding is fundamentally on-brand for me, so that’s what I did.
This ultimately resulted in the largest update to the game in quite a while.
First update of the new year. Spending New Year’s Eve coding is fundamentally on-brand for me, so that’s what I did.
This ultimately resulted in the largest update to the game in quite a while.
Well, I’ve built a lot on top of last week’s successes. Splitting the save-files into multiple sub-files was a good move. Following the logical thread of that, the compiled story-file is now a set of sub-files as well; and I was able to do something pretty awesome with that.
This update is a couple days late, because some appointments and things got in the way.
I’ll be brief. I promise.
Not a lot of progress to report, on account of Melbourne International Games Week, which was both exhausting and amazing.
Games Connect Asia Pacific was rough going, featuring a lot of stuff that I was just plain out-of-practice with, but the sessions were great, I met a few people, and was able to talk more about my game and about theirs. Pretty awesome!
A three-week jump this time, due to a lack of time on devblog day. There are some developments that I’m excited about.
This update is running a couple of days late, I know. I’ll try to blame the public holiday at the beginning of the week for that.
Alright, where are we at? Once again, a good week for development, though more on the narrative side than has happened in recent weeks.
It’s starting to look “like a bought one”, as they say.
Who says that? They do. You know, them. Heck, I just did, so me too.
There’s a lot to cover, so I’ll try to be brief. I will likely fail.
My, what a productive week it has been! Many bugs fixed, and many new bugs created (and also fixed).
If we were just working off bugs-fixed, this would have been a banner week, indeed, since I was briefly creating them as fast as I resolved them. However, there was a whole lot more going on.
There wasn’t a status report last week, because I was without electricity and an Internet connection, as a result of several days worth of getting the house rewired. Even this update is posted a day later than I’d intended.
That is past, and a lot got done during the rest of the time!
Continue reading Development Progress Report, weeks 20 and 21